Monday, 29 August 2011

Sembang sahur Ramadhan terakhir 1432

Assalamualaikum...hype!...alhamdulillah sampai jugak saya ke kampung halaman(takde lah pure kampung sangat huhu) di Kuala Ketil Kedah pukul 11.15 malam semalam...maka pagi ni dapat lah saya bersahur dengan ahli keluarga tercinta...semua adik beradik dah balik kecuali abang dan kak wani (kakak ipar)...tak sangka hari ni dah sahur terakhir rupanya..ingatkan ada lagi dua tiga hari nak puasa...

Sengaja post kali ini saya tulis sembang-sembang kosong yg bagi saya masih ada pengisiannya masa kami bersahur tadi..alah lauk sahur pun biasa-biasa saja...sardin, ikan kering, acar limau, sayur bendi masak kicap dan apa lagi entah...saya tak ingat...sembang pulak merangkumi macam-macam perkara...kematian, kesihatan, cara orang kaya habiskan duit, golf dan macam-macam lagi...


Sembang pertama #

Mak: Hari tu I (merujuk kepada sembang dengan bapak) pi rumah Kak Mah. Dan (sempat) la sembang dengan Pak Lan (jiran Mak Mah)...Dia kata "Ish...saya ni kan Cikgu Aishah, Kalau Hindun (isteri) mati saya tak tau la nak buat apa.." 

cakap mak saya sambil tergelak-gelak... 

Bapak: Awat yang dia cakap macam tu?

Mak: Dia kata " saya ni tak gheti (reti/pandai) masak langsung!...selama ni Hindun la yang duk masak macam-macam kat saya.." 

Mak saya gelak lagi.

Kakak sulung saya pun bertanya, "Cikgu Hindun tu ada penyakit ka?"

Mak: Mau tak dak penyakit, macam-macam penyakit ada...hidup dengan ubat ja.

Bapak pun cakap la: Mak hang ja yang I duk tengok tak dak penyakit langsung, sihat...segak lagi...duk buat kerja macam-macam...(tak lain tak bukan memuji sambil membodek mak)

Mak: Yalah pak hang ni, duk kata I sihat, segak ...tak dak penyakit...nanti kalau I "piaappp" dulu macam mana?...kita ni bukan kira sihat ka sakit....kalau sampai masa pi la...

Saya senyum dalam hati tanda setuju, memang mak tiada sebarang penyakit..namun ajal maut Allah yang tentukan.... Make sense jugak apa yang mak cakap.

Itu bab mati....

Sembang kedua#

Bapak menyambung dari perbualan tadi...

Bapak: kita ni nak sihat kena la buat kerja, exercise...macam bapak ni tiap-tiap hari pi mencangkul kat kebun nu....Azmi duk exercise dak?...tanya bapak pada abang ipar saya tiba-tiba...

Kak Na (kakak sulung): haish...Azmi tiap-tiap hari tawaf KLCC 4 kali...(gelak)...Abang Azmi hanya tersenyum.

Bapak tanya lagi: Azmi main golf dak?....

Abang Azmi: Tak Pak...jawab abang Azmi sambil tersenyum...

Bapak: Bapak kalau orang upah suruh pi main golf pun bapak tak mau... (berderai ketawa semua orang).... Macam orang bodo ja pun main golf...baik pi cangkul tanah...main golf nak suruh orang bawak beg golf kena bayaq...nak pukul bola pun kena bayaq...

Mak: Allah...dah orang bisnes main golf, bukan nak main sangat...Nak bincang pasal korporat, nak bincang pasal bisnes...

hmmm betui-betui...saya setuju saja...habis bab golf..


Sembang ketiga#

Saya: B... tolong sua (hulur) kurma tu.. pinta saya pada incik suami sambil menuding jari pada kotak kurma yang nampak 'spesel' tu...atas kotak kurma tu tulis jenama ' Bateel'...kotaknya berwarna emas macam kotak coklat Ferrero Rocher...

Mak: ha...tu makan la kurma mahai Kak Na bawak balik.... (mahal?...apa yang mahalnya?)

Kak Na: Ha tu bos Kak Na bagi seorang sekotak...harga  sekotak kurma tu RM140...(fuyoh!...dalam kotak tu ada la kot dalam 20 atau 30 biji kurma..)

Abang Yeh: hmmm sedap...(kata abang yeh setelah menjamah sebiji kurma)

Kak Na: hmmm kena kata sedap la sebab mahal...padahal sama ja (hahaha...tapi memang isi dia teba dan lembut)

Bapak: Oooh...bos Na yang Dato' tu ka?....

Kak Na: Haa la...dia bagi kat semua orang...kat staff bawahan dia bagi yang sekotak RM 65... (*kakak saya ni seorang engineer dan saya rasa lebih dari seorang engineer mungkin huuu)....Alah orang kaya pandai la depa nak perabih duit....

Dalam hati saya: Dah pandai cari duit kena la pandai habiskan duit...nanti lemas pulak dalam duit tu ye tak?..hahah...

Abang Azmi: Ingat tak  Na yang hari tu kita pi minum teh seteko RM100?...tanya abang ipar pada kakak saya.

Saya: tu diaaaa...teh apa mahal sangat?...tu baru teh, kalau kopi lagi mahai pa... (saya membuat andaian yang memandai hehe)

Kak Na: Alah...hari tu Kak Na nak pi try minum teh dekat Harrods dalam KLCC tu...harga tak tengok dulu...pakai masuk ja...minum teh seteko untuk dua orang...makan la 'scone' berapa ketul...alih2 kena RM125...

Gulp!....minum teh pon beratus ye sekarang...tapi kalau mampu saya rasa tak apa kot...(itu kalau orang banyak duit la hoho)...kalau saya yang buat perangai masuk kedai tak tengok harga macam tu...mau meraung gamaknya hahaha...apakan daya saya hanya seorang chekgu...minum teh lipton saja lah ye chekgu? =D

Sekian, sembang sahur terakhir Ramadhan saya....


►Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Nanti-nanti Datang Lagi◄

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera (mood skema =P)....

Hmmm tengok kepada tajuk post saya kali ni...sapekah dia Cikgu Rahman Janggut??...dia adalah cicit kepada Tok Janggut yang ada dalam buku teks sejarah sekolah menengah tu hahaha...(betul ni)...sudah semestinya dia seorang cikgu. Bukan cikgu biasa-biasa...namun cikgu yang hebat saya pernah kenal.Tapi Cikgu Rahman Janggut ni bukanlah cikgu saya di mana-mana sekolah, sebaliknya dia adalah ayah saya =)...

Apa yang bestnya cikgu Rahman Janggut ni?...kenapa panggil dia Cikgu Rahman Janggut??....laaa mestila sebab dia ada janggut!..apa yang best?...hmm bagi saya dia adalah seorang cikgu yang superb...(begitu juga Cikgu Siti Aishah- mak saya)..dia (bapak saya) mengakhiri tugasnya sebagai seorang pengetua di sekolah menengah...dan mendapat anugerah tokoh guru daerah Baling/Sik setelah bersara (begitu juga mak saya)... Manakala saya?...belum ada apa-apa tokoh lagi haha...masih terlalu mentah dan masih dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi guru yang hebat..

Apa yang best lagi?...Cikgu Rahman Janggut ni adalah seorang profil yang terkenal di  daerah Baling/Sik khasnya dan di negeri kedah amnya pada zaman kegemilangannya...(tapi rasanya takdelah famous sangat huu)..Dia terkenal dengan ketegasannya, kredibiliti, kepimpinannya dan kehebatannya sepanjang menjadi guru..Apa yang saya masih ingat dia sudah beberapa kali muncul dalam akhbar hahaha...kenapa? artikel yang paling kelakar yang saya ingat...bapak saya pernah muncul dalam akhbar Harian Metro suatu ketika dulu gara-gara hukuman yang diberi kepada pelajar pada ketika itu...masa tu bapak saya jadi pengetua di SMK Teloi Kanan...sebuah kawasan Felda...Well u know, kalau masa dulu dengar budak Felda, memang terkenal dengan masalah dadah dan sebagainya...bukan satu tugas mudah untuk guru membentuk anak-anak yang bermasalah di situ..

Tindakan bapak saya yang sampai masuk paper tu adalah: Mendenda pelajar-pelajar yang sering ponteng sekolah dan mempunyai masalah disiplin mengutip tahi lembu masuk dalam guni di sepanjang jalan sambil berjalan itik... wahahaha!! klasik~~ maka beraturlah pelajar-pelajar dalam barisan berjalan itik sambil mengutip tahi lembu~~ tapi masa tu masyarakat menyokong, begitu juga dengan akhbar tersebut...efeknya?...pelajar2 tersebut serik...dan walaupun selepas sekolah mereka masih menghormati guru walaupun tak pandai mana... 

Cuba kalau cikgu zaman sekarang buat hukuman macam tu di sekolah...apa agaknya tajuk artikel akhbar yang akan keluar nanti ye?.. mungkin : "Guru mengenakan hukuman yang tidak relevan kepada pelajar" agaknya... habis nak rotan tak boleh, nak tampar, terpekak lah pulak budak tu nanti, nak jerkah kang kena belasah balik...well, tu semua alasan...bagi saya kalau di sekolah saya tak ambil kira alasan2 macam tu...saya akan cuba memberi pengajaran yang selayaknya pada murid/pelajar yang bermasalah ni.. Alhamdulillah setakat ni tiada siapa2 yang complain...hohoh...

Setakat ni setelah 1 tahun setengah (baru) saya menjadi cikgu, dah banyak perkara yang saya bincangkan dengan mak bapak saya... antara pernyataan bapak saya sebagai orang veteran dalam bidang pendidikan bagi sesetengah isu yang dibincangkan adalah seperti berikut:

 "Bapak tengok cikgu-cikgu la ni kerja depa bukan mengajaq tapi mesyuarat." 

(haha yang ni saya setuju sangat!...tambah2 kalau dapat guru besar yang kaki mesyuarat. seminggu dua-tiga kali nak mesyuarat.mesyuarat of course la tiap2 minggu kan. sekali mesyuarat 3-4 jam pointnya sikit saja tapi cakap asyik keluar tajuk, meleret-leret arghhh!...bagi saya itu bukan satu cara yang efektif).

"Macam mana budak-budak la ni sampai tingkatan lima pon ada yang tak buleh baca lagi?...cikgu2 duk buat apa tak tau...dulu bapak dengan cikgu2 buleh ajaq budak darjah satu membaca dan tulih karangan sekali dalam masa 100 hari ja!...sistem la ni macam mana tak tau..tak buleh pakai!"

haha fuyo!! boleh mengarang dalam 100 hari?!!...tapi itu suatu situasi yang benar pada masa dulu...bukan nak cakap besar lah kan...dengan satu sistem yang simple budak pon boleh menulis dan membaca tanpa ada masalah...ya..ya...memang ada yang cakap budak2 bermasalah macam ni bengap..apa yang mak bapak bagi makan kat rumah pun tak tau...faktor keluarga bermasalah, mak bapak tak ambil kisah pasal anak2 langsung...dulu2 susah nak dengar pasal broken family dan sebagainya...zaman dah berubah~~

walaupun bagaimanapun pihak cikgu pun ada yang bermasalah...saya pun tak faham kalau dah nama kelas pemulihan tu..siapa yang nak dipulihkan?...cikgu atau anak murid?..fenomena biasa di sekolah sekarang : guru yang bermasalah (suka ponteng kerja, malas masuk kelas, tak produktif) itulah yang akan menjadi guru pemulihan..(tapi tak semua okay..ramai lagi guru pemulihan yang superb mengajar..tabik spring semua!), apa yang akan dilakukan oleh 'guru pemulihan'  tu tadi dalam kelas pemulihan?...selalunya dia akan bagi kertas gambar huruf2 atau gambar binatang dan suruh murid2 kelas pemulihan membaca ke pemulihan seni???!!....arghhh! wonder la budak2 tu sampai besar pon tak pulih2...hek~
antara dialog bapak saya yang lain:

"Bapak dengan mak dulu anak dah lima pun bawak balik buku budak tanda sampai malam...bawak balik buku rekod mengajar pikiaq  dan plan benda best2 yang nak ajaq budak esok...buat alat bantu mengajaq sendiri lawa2 (padahal bapak pinjam yang mak punya heheh) bagi budak seronok...cikgu la ni mana ada macam tu dah..buku tinggal ja kat sekolah...nak buat macam mana? ni duk kalut settle dokumentasi apa tak macam2...melambak-lambak...last sekali pakai tak masuk kelas teruih la"...kata bapak sambil terjuih mulutnya hahah

sebenarnya ada ramai lagi guru-guru yang bawak balik buku tanda di rumah terutama yang bujang2 hehe... bab nak buat alat bantu mengajar tu minta maaf la gamaknya kot...kekurangan masa mungkin...bab fail tu betul sangat2...entah apa2 fail yang kena buat...KSSR, LINUS, blablabla..orang ppd or nazir sekarang pulak kalau datang memantau di sekolah bukan nak tengok cikgu mengajar atau tidak...tapi nak tengok fail lengkap atau tidak...hek elehhh....cikgu pon nak mengajar dah tak semangat macam dulu...rasa macam jadi kerani lah pulak ye...kesimpulannya kesian budak2...

adeh...tak larat saya nak membebel panjang..dalam kelas saya tak suka membebel dekat budak, saya lebih suka bertindak..tapi dalam blog ni rajin pulak saya membebel kan haha...mintak maaf kalau ada pihak yang terasa ye...

jadi di sini saya nak kongsi benda yang saya copy paste di internet je tentang ciri-ciri guru efektif/berkesan ..kalau kita ada salah satu ciri ni mungkin kita ada potensi untuk jadi guru cemerlang....semua orang ada potensi untuk cemerlang okay!...

Ciri-ciri Guru Yang Efektif

Pengajaran yang efektif dihasilkan oleh guru yang efektif. Menurut satu kajian oleh Daveid G. Ryans (1959), guru yang efektif ialah guru yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut:

- Bersikap adil dan tidak pilih kasih.

- Bertimbang rasa dan baik hati.

- Bertanggungjawab dan suka menolong individu yang lain.

- Tenang dan stabil emosinya.

- Mudah dihampiri, berpatutan dan berupaya berjenaka.

- Berpersonaliti dinamik, iaitu menarik, tangkas dan kerap kali menghidupkan suasana bilik darjah.

- Mempunyai kecerdasan tinggi yang membolehkannya memahami serta mengajar sesuatu dari sudut pandangan yang luas.

- Mempunyai imaginasi tinggi yang membolehkannya memberikan pelbagai jenis contoh yang dapat membantu murid-murid memahami sesuatu konsep dengan mudah serta cepat.

- Bersuara lantang dan bertingkah laku beradab.

- Bersabar. Kesabaran penting ketika guru membimbing murid-murid yang lemah dan nakal.

- Bersikap terbuka, jujur dan ikhlas. Murid-murid akan mempercayai guru seperti ini. Dengan itu murid lebih sedia berkongsi masalah dengan guru.

- Bersikap tegas. Guru yang tegas dapat mewujudkan disiplin yang baik. Ini membolehkan pengajaran-pengajaran berjalan dengan licin.

- Mementingkan ketepatan masa. Guru yang menepati masa ketika masuk ke bilik darjah dapat memulangkan tugasan murid akan dihormati murid-muridnya. Amalan seperti ini juga merupakan teladan yang baik bagi murid-murid.

- Berdedikasi dan rajin. Guru yang berdedikasi kerap kali menyempurnakan tugasannya dengan baik. Dia sentiasa bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pembelajaran murid yang maksima.

- Sedia memberi galakan dan pujian. Sikap seperti ini akan mendorongkan lagi murid-murid untuk berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh dalam pembelajaran mereka.

okay cikgu!...renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!

►Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Nanti-nanti Datang Lagi◄

Monday, 22 August 2011

Air kotor vs air bersih?

Assalamualaikum...dan hai~..dah lama rasanya tak post entry baru. Cuti sibuk berjalan hehe...ok hari ini saya nak post tentang elemen yg paling penting dalam tubuh badan kita iaitu AIR...

kita selalu dengar kempen suruh manusia minum 8 hingga 10 gelas air sehari  betul tak?...tak kurang jugak ada pihak yang 'bijak pandai' menafikan minum air lapan gelas sehari  tu  tak ada faedahnya..adakah murid-murid tahu...(mula dah..) minum air yang sekian-sekian mililiter tu penting kerana 70% dari badan manusia terdiri daripada air!.. air dalam badan kita ni sangat-sangatlah penting sebab:

1)air digunakan untuk menyah-toksik dalam badan..auww (eh bukan maknyah okay).

2)melincirkan sendi dalam sistem kerangka (boleh paham ka?)

3)menyokong sistem dan organ pencernaan...(haa kalau kurang air dalam badan buleh sembelit oo..silap hari bulan dapat buasir...adusss...)

4)mengawal suhu badan.. (badan pon macam enjin kereta silap...enjin kereta pon macam badan manusia jugak..ish...which is which?)

5)air menghantar nutrien serta oksigen ke sel-sel badan... (kira macam posmen jugak la kan...kalau takde posmen macam mana surat nak sampai??)

Namun ini semua dipengaruhi jugak sama ada air yang kita minum tu bersih atau tak...kalau bersih tak apalah..kalau koootttttoooqq?? (kotor) macam mana?...Berdasarkan kajian, (bukan saya yang buat kajian tu) air yang bersih dapat:

1)meningkatkan sistem imunisasi badan (maknanya payah nak dapat penyakit)

2)menggalakkan metabolisme badan (ohh...yang metabolisme bagi kurus tu ka?..apakah?)

3)mengurangkan pertumbuhan sel-sel abnormal (hmm yg ni tak tau nak explain..sel kanser mungkin?)

4)menghalang penyebaran toksin (that's great!)

5)mengurangkan risiko mendapat penyakit...hebat!

Subhanallah!...murid-murid tengoklah kehebatan air yang Allah cipta untuk kita semua sangat banyak manfaatnya untuk tubuh badan kita....tapi malangnya zaman sekarang ni kualiti air di Malaysia bahkan di dunia semakin tercemar dan sangat2 tercemar!...yaa hasil buatan manusia itu sendiri...kitalah!

hebatkan KITA?

Maka hilanglah manfaat air itu bersama datangnya pencemaran sungai/air yang kita sendiri lakukan...well, kita pernah dengar pepatah 'you are what you eat'....sama lah juga maknanya dengan 'you are what you drink!'.....Ya...ya... memang air yang kita guna di rumah sekarang dah ditapis di loji-loji air...tapi setakat mana kebersihannya?...ok mungkin bersih,namun bagaimana pula dengan air yang dikotori dengan karat-karat yang berpunca dari sistem perpaipan  di rumah kita?

Wow...itu tak termasuk lagi dengan sistem pengklorinan air (bahan kimia yang wujud dari klorin) dan struktur-struktur cat, besi karat, aluminium dan macam-macam lagi yang wujud dalam air tu sendiri..kalau kita nak selidik tahap kebersihan air di rumah boleh saja gunakan WMP (Waterproof Multi Parameter)...Yup, kita masak air sebelum minum atau masak..tapi, ada kajian menunjukkan pengklorinan dan penapisan mekanikal tidak menghilangkan arsenik daripada air...malah, merebus air boleh meningkatkan lagi kandungan arsenik dalam air!...(arsenik tu apa?...tak tau =P)...okay, arsenik dalam badan boleh mengundang risiko kanser dan penyakit paru-paru (owh, not that bad =D)hohoh~...

Sekarang macam mana?tak tau lah...(jawapan standard huhu)...kita boleh ikhtiar untuk kesejahteraan diri kita..jangan risau dah banyak produk2 penapis air yang keluar di Malaysia ni...macam-macam brand! beli lah satu pasang di rumah...bukan kita sorang saja yang nak minum kan..seisi rumah boleh minum, termasuklah kucing kesayangan hahah!...sambil2 saya menyebarkan info ni saya pon nak promote salah satu produk penapis air ni... (mula dah).. Penapis air ini disahkan halal dan merupakan salah satu produk superbrand...Ia mempunyai teknologi nano yang sangat memberi manfaat untuk tubuh badah dan yang penting mesra-pengguna (senang sangat nak pasang)

KESAN TEKNOLOGI NANO  (dalam penapis air Bio Aura):

1) menentang sel yang tidak normal dan memperbaiki fingsi sel.
2) menghantar nutrien kepada sel dan menyingkirkan toksik dengan cepat
3) memperkuatkan kesihatan otak dan membekalkan kadar oksigen yang tinggi
4) menggalakkan metabolisma untuk memperkuatkan fungsi imuniti dan memberi tenaga
5) melengahkan proses penuaan (kecantikan dan kehalusan  pada kulit)
6) memberi kesegaran pada makanan
7) mengekalkan sifat semulajadi kandungan mineral air dari hasil tapisan.

saya sendiri guna penapis air ni dan Alhamdulillah kesihatan saya dan suami setakat ni sangat baik...masa mengandung pun tak ada alahan yang teruk-teruk...mungkin sebab sistem dalam badan yang stabil...dan bagi surirumah yang gemar memasak tu...kalau nak masak makanan atau tanak nasi silalah guna air yang bertapis ye...untuk keselamatan dan kesejahteraan keluarga kita jugak =D

Berminat?...harga asal produk ni RM2080 sahaja ok...tapi oleh sebab saya nak habiskan stok yang tinggal berapa je lg di rumah saya nak jual harga RM1700 je!... (kalau nak kurang lagi silalah bodek problem hehe)....aha kalau yang kurang berkemampuan nak bayar 'segedebuk' tu anda bolehlah bayar secara ansuran ya...

Okay! bagi yang berminat nak beli penapis air bioaura ni silalah hubungi saya:

atau sms : 0127194458 (cikgu muna)

penghantaran bagi area JB percuma ya!....

Sekian serba sedikit perkongsian info dan produk dari saya, wassalam...

►Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Nanti-nanti Datang Lagi◄

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Written by: Siti Munawirah binti Abdul Rahman (2009). IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn, Batu Pahat


                        As stated in the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education;
“Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, society and the nation at large.” (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2003).
                        Hence, it is the responsibility of teachers as educators to create the individuals who are knowledgeable and competent. However, I believe that to establish a person who are balanced, possess high moral standards and able to contribute for the family, society and the nation at large is not only the responsibilities of a teacher alone but also with the commitment of the parents, family and society. As a consequence, schools play a significant role in getting parents and family members involved in students' education. As I stated before in the previous task, some family or parents might actually wanted to help in their child’s learning but they just did not know how to do so. For this reason, as the agents of socialization and changes, teachers need to guide the parents on how to be involved with the school and education.
                        However, it has been found that schools do not always know what the term parental involvement really means (Vandergrift & Greene, 1992). Some parents and schools may not understand that there are actually six types of involvement which had been listed out in the Eipstein’s conceptual framework for family – school – community involvement. Furthermore, Epstein (2001) encouraged schools to create greater "overlap" between the school, home, and community through the implementation of activities across six types of involvement: parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaboration with the community. As a teacher I can help the parents but not to interfere their family matters while the parents also need to help the teachers to play their responsibilities. Much of the research that examines the relationships between parent involvement and children’s education assesses parent involvement by utilizing one particular measure, such as counting the number of parents that volunteer, coming to meetings, or coming to parent-teacher conferences (Baker & Soden, 1997).
                        As for parents, they usually must undergo their parenting duty as the first type of involvement by providing housing, health, nutrition, safety and parenting skills in parent-child. The second type of involvement is interaction whether with the child or the school to built a home condition which support study and information to help school knows their child. Thirdly is communicating, whether school-home or home-school communication. Fourth, volunteering in school to help in classroom or any events. As teachers we can also grab this opportunity by sharing the knowledge from the parent with the students. Schools and teachers should let the parents know that their effort to contribute something to the school is always appreciated. Hence this will encourage the parents to involve more. People like to know that someone takes the time to notice and appreciate what they were doing (Wherry, 1992). The next type of involvement is decision making. Teachers should let the parents know that they also have the right to help the school in making decision. For example, all parents are the membership of the Parents Teachers Association. Hence, to encourage parents’ sense of belonging to their child’s school, teachers always invited the parents to attend the meeting or any events in school.
                        And the last type of involvement is collaborating with the community through contributions to school. The parents are also more supportive of the school with financial support as well as support of bond issues and other leeway levies (Stouffe, 1992). As a teacher, I need to make the parents realize that, by contributing something to the school such in financial or any services, they are not only giving good deeds to their own child but also for the child’s of all the community around them. If all the parents are aware with this positive circulation, hence this wills indirectly strengthening the bond among the society and the nation at large. This kind of circumstance brings the meaning of teachers as agents of socialization for me. “The time circulation had brings changes and challenges toward teaching profession including the functions modification and teachers’ roles. Teacher’s role as the main resource of knowledge for the students had changed into teacher as a facilitator in teaching and learning, agent of changes and the source of inspiration for the students “(Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2006). According to this, I may be able to help the parents who do not know how to involve by leading a class for parents at school. However, this suggestion needs to be approved by other teachers and especially the principal. The parents may even want to learn more and possibly attend the parent classes provided by the school. This type of situation can produce a positive spiral of success for the parent, school, and student (Gelfer, 1991).
                        In order to promote parents involvement in school, teachers need to organize various type of programs so that the parents are interested to know the school more and give more attention to their child. One thing that is necessary is to make sure the programs used are at the correct grade level and that there is a lot of variety (Rickelman & Henk, 1991). Other than common parents – teacher conferences and record book day, schools can also organize any relaxing and interesting program such as sport afternoon activity with parents and students, school’s open day and many more. However to implement these events teachers need to cooperate with the administration and get some supports from the principal. "Ultimate responsibility for creating harmony between the school and the home rests with the principal" (Campbell, 1992). Hence, to implement my vision as a future teacher, I realize that the advocacy from the school’s administration and other colleagues are very important. "This combination of level of commitment and active participation is what makes an involved parent" (Vandergrift & Greene, 1992).
                        Obviously, there are great amount of advantages and positive implications from parent’s involvement in school, not only for the children but also for the society and the parents itself. Actually, the more parents are involved in their children’s learning, the better they get to know their child. The parents are able to "increase their understanding of child development in areas of physical, social, emotional and cognitive development" (Gelfer, 1991). Furthermore, according to Campbell (1992) who has conducted a research on students who were classified as high achievers had discovered that these students shared ten common characteristics which are:

1. A feeling of control over their lives.
2. Frequent communication of high expectations to children.
3. A family dream of success for the future.
4. Hard work as a key to success.
5. An active, not a sedentary, lifestyle.
6. Twenty-five to 35 home-centred learning hours per week.
7. The family viewed as a mutual support system and problem-solving unit.
8. Clearly understood household rules, consistently enforced.
9. Frequent contact with teachers.
10. Emphasis on spiritual growth. (Campbell, 1992)
                        This shows that parent’s involvement and parental support really helped the students to improve their achievement. Moreover, students will also feel motivated and obtained the inspirations from their parents who are also working hard for their child’s success. According to Loucks (1992), "Research shows that parent involvement in the school results in improved student achievement". For the most part, as a future teacher, I need to play my roles first before I put my vision in action.

“ the most significant and costly resource in schools, teachers are central to school improvement efforts. Improving the efficiency and equity of schooling depends, in large measure, on ensuring that competent people want to work as teachers, that their teaching is of high quality, and that all students have access to high quality teaching.”
(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2005 cited in Ministry of Education Malaysia (2006))

                        Hence, to be an effective teacher who able to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, I must first act based on the Philosophy of Teacher’s Education in the Malaysian Teacher Standards which is to be “a teacher who possesses noble characters, progressive and scientific views, ready to execute the aspiration of the country and also to praise the legacy of the nation cultures, to guarantee individuals development and to foster a unite, democratic, progressive and disciplined society.” (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2006)

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Baker, A.J.L., & Soden, L.M. (1997). Parent involvement in children’s education: A            critical assessment of the knowledge base. (Report No. PS-025357). Paper            presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research          Association, Chicago, IL. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED407127)
Campbell, L. (1992, April). Parents and schools working for student success. NASSP    Bulletin, 76(543), 1-4.
Epstein, Joyce L. (2001). School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Preparing           Educators and Improving Schools. Boulder, CO: Westview.
Gelfer, J. (1991). Teacher-parent partnerships: Enhancing communications.        Childhood Education, 67(3), 164-167.
Loucks, H. (1992). Increasing parent/family involvement: Ten ideas that work. NASSP   Bulletin, 76(543), 19-23.
Ministry of Education Malaysia (2003). Integrated Curriculum fro Primary Schools.          Curriculum Development Centre: Kuala Lumpur.
Ministry of Education Malaysia (2006) The 9th Malaysia Plan. Principal Plan of     Education Development. National Library Malaysia: Putrajaya.
Rickelman, R., & Henk, W. (1991, March). Parents and computers: Partners in helping children learning to read. The Reading Teacher, 44(7), 508-509.
Stouffer, B. (1992). We can increase parent involvement in secondary schools. NASSP            Bulletin, 76(543), 5-9.
Vandergrift, J., & Greene, A. (1992).   Rethinking parent involvement. Educational          Leadership, 50(1), 57-59.
Wherry, J. (1992). Getting parents involved. Education Digest, 57(8), 49-50.

►Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Nanti-nanti Datang Lagi◄


Assalamualaikum and hye! i would like to share an out-dated topic in Malaysian education system...this is juz for sharing ya...actually this was my assignment's product during studying the degree programme hehe...i hope that this journal/writing can bring advantage to the people who need it...enjoy reading!

This journal was written by: Siti Munawirah binti Abdul Rahman.(2009). IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn.BP


In every country, curriculum is a prime part and plays vital roles in education. According to Levin (2008) curriculum is defined as an official statement of what students are expected to know and be able to do. It shows that the curriculum was designed especially for students to learn in school or to have the desired or needed knowledge that have been decided by the Ministry of Education to face the current world. For a teacher, the curriculum defines the skills that students should learn established by the state or developed by a committee (McGinn and Borden, 1995). On the other hand, Kerr defines curriculum as, 'All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (Kelly, 1983 and 1999). Hence, it can be summarized that curriculum is something which is taught in school in a set of subjects where it has specific content and objectives to achieve by the students and it is also including activities, guidance and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, generally curriculum also can be defined as the whole plan which is desired by a school or academic institution to achieve the aims of education [Cabinet Report Book (1979) in Abdullah Sani, (2005)]
Curriculum in Malaysia is primary guided by the National Philosophy of Education (NPE). Referring to the Malaysian Ministry of Education, the national curriculum is an educational programme that includes curriculum and co-curricular activities which encompasses all the knowledge, skills norms, values, cultural elements and beliefs to help develop a pupil fully with respect to the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional aspects as well as to inculcate and develop desirable moral values and to transmit knowledge [Education Act (1996) in Abdullah Sani, 2005]. However, there is a problem that occurred in the education system in Malaysia which relates to the curriculum that is the overload curriculum. Consequently, this problem had caused some effects to several parties such as students, teachers, parents and the policy makers themselves. Hence, I will elaborate more about the overload curriculum which is focusing on the effects it brings to the teachers.
In Malaysia, the Integrated Curriculum for Primary School (ICPS or KBSR) is divided into 2 phases that is Phase I (Year 1-3) and Phase II (Year 4-6). The ICPS emphasizes the mastery, reinforcement and application of the 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) acquisition of complex skills and knowledge, prevocational skill, and the development of personality, attitudes and values (Ministry of Education, 2002). As stated by Apple (2004), it recognizes that education is also a site of conflict about the kind of knowledge that is and should be taught, about whose knowledge is official, and about who has the right to decide what is to be taught, how it is organized and how teaching and learning are to be evaluated. In Malaysian primary schools, there are 13 subjects taught in the National School while 14 subjects in National-Type School namely the Malay language, Chinese/Tamil language, English language, Mathematics, Islamic Education, Moral Education, Art Education, Music, Health Education, Physical Education, Science, Local Studies, Living Skills and Assembly. From the subjects above, it has already proven the compactness of the curriculum in school though it still not including the syllabus or the topics in each subjects. This is not a good sign as too many education policies and a good deal of contemporary research has lost sight of [the] important insight that education policy [and curriculum studies] need to be informed by a sensitivity to the nature of the wider society (Whitty, 2002)
According to a research made by the Cabinet Committee towards the National Education Fundamental in 1979, they had identified several weaknesses caused by the overload curriculum  as follows: 1)Lesson content sometimes repeated and unrelated between subjects or standard. 2) The subject syllabus contains too many items. This makes the pupils burdened and bored. 3) Teachers and pupils are always forced to finish the syllabus especially during examination period. 4) Teaching and learning depends too much on textbooks. This will restrict the use of other teaching techniques and resources which are more interesting and effective (Abd Rahim b. Abd Rashid, 2005)
Particularly, on teachers’ side, there are several effects that happen in their education life which caused by this overload curriculum problem. For instance, time management, subject or topic itself, the teachers’ roles in teaching and school, teaching styles, teachers’ dilemma or emotion and lastly the effects for the future. Firstly, as stated before, the overload curriculum has caused some impact in teacher’s time management where the teachers are rushing for content coverage in order to finish the subject syllabus before the examination season started. It has, for example, altered the number of periods taught and has led to the introduction of cross-curricular areas. Consequently, the time consumed in a week is not enough for certain subjects and teachers need to make extra classes in the weekends or after school just to finish the syllabus. Because of the rush, teachers also need to teach the subject seriously, hence there is no time for the teacher and pupils to have fun in teaching and learning.
Furthermore, from my observations during practicum, internship and school based experiences, I found that overload curriculum has the effects on the subjects, topics or syllabus themselves. In addition, teachers always tend to neglect minor subject such as Physical Education, Living Skills, and Moral Education in order to focus more on the examination subjects such as the Malay language, English language, Science and Mathematics. These subjects are included in the centralized examination for the primary school known as the Primary School Achievement Test or UPSR. Because of this, education in school has become exam oriented learning where the minor subject’s classes have been neglected or sometimes replaced with the examination subjects.
Apart from that, the overloaded curriculum problem also gives some impacts on the teachers’ roles in teaching as well as in school. If you are a teacher, your importance to the curriculum-development process relates to more than an obligation to implement adopted decisions (Armstrong, D. G, 2003). I believe every teacher yearn to be an effective teacher in school and education where they aimed to achieve the objectives in teaching and learning of the curriculum. However, other than the responsibilities to teach and conduct the curriculum, teachers also have lots of other duties and disruptions in school. For instance, as stated by Abd Rahim b. Abd Rashid (2005) about teacher professionalism and school management, the teacher’s task, roles and development in school contexts are divided into two parts that is the curriculum and teaching management and non-academic management. As for the curriculum and teaching management, it involves teaching resources and materials, aims of school and education, academic (curriculum objectives) and innovation and creativity of teaching and as for the non academic management, it involves the co-curriculum activity, school and society, planning and administration and school leadership. On the other hand, the disruptions that teachers need to confront during in school are meeting, sports day, school events, holidays and seminars outside the school.
According to Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, (1999).  Teaching is a complex activity that requires teachers to understand content and pedagogy as they come together to support students’ thinking and learning in the context of their classroom. In this case, the overload curriculum has also affected the teaching styles in teaching and learning. Lage, Platt and Treglia (2000) stated that, students will gain more knowledge, retain more information, and perform far better when teaching styles match learning styles. However, because of the time constraint, teachers are not able to apply interesting and effective teaching styles in the classroom. The teaching and learning session is focusing more on teacher-centred and involved less meaningful activities for the students. Teachers tend to teach more on theory and use traditional teaching styles approach where there is no or less contextual and practical learning involved among the students. A contextualized approach to instruction also stresses the social nature of real world activities (Wenger, 1998; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In some cases as Curzon (1985) points out, those who compile a syllabus tend to follow the traditional textbook approach of an 'order of contents', or a pattern prescribed by a 'logical' approach to the subject. To worsen the situation, some teachers only teaching just following the provided text books as stated before without applying other activities to enhance children’s understanding in learning the lesson. Hence, this will make the pupils’ learning become boring and most probably the learning objectives are not fully achieved by the pupils.
Furthermore, because of this overload curriculum problem, teachers actually faced their own dilemma and it is sometimes affected their emotion in carry out their duties. For instance, teacher will feel stressful because there is not enough time to cover the subjects and in some circumstances, there are not enough teachers in some school to deliver the curriculum to the pupils. As stated by Armstrong (2005) when you find yourself engaged in curriculum task, you and your associates will be forced to consider important context variables. For instance, a teacher needs to know the social setting within which the materials he or she is preparing will be taught. Furthermore, a teacher certainly wants to develop interesting materials that are appropriate to the age and sophistication levels of the learners who will use them. The variety of teaching sites, students, community expectations, parent and guardian priorities, and available support resources militate against that proposition (Armstrong, D. G, 2003). Teacher also must consider findings which are related to the learner’s cognitive and psychological development. As enactors of the curriculum, teachers interpret, modify, augment and chose selectively from any materials that are available to them (Ben Peretz, 1990). Nevertheless, due to rushing to finish the topic, teachers are not able to focus on their particular student’s needs, for instance, the difference of student individual level in learning where not all pupils in that particular classroom are able to achieve the curriculum goals and the learning objectives especially the pupils from the low level class. This is true as Armstrong (2003) says that curricular that are developed without the participation of thoughtful teachers often lack essential gravitas  
As a result, this overload curriculum problem is also the causes why there are still many primary students are not able to master the basic 3R’s skills namely reading, writing and arithmetic. Teachers also will be in dilemma because they are only able to teach the children on the ‘surface’ and they are not able to ‘educate’ the pupils such as inculcating the values of the lesson. This dilemma phenomenon has shown that teachers are not able to fulfil the teaching philosophy which is designed to expand a creative, innovative and interesting teaching and learning concept.  As explained by Abd Rahim b. Abd Rashid (2005) teaching and learning that had been implemented by the teacher will never be effective if the teacher did not understand the ‘teaching philosophy’ in order to construct the strength and understand the effects of learning in establish and develop a student’s potential and ability. Issues like teaching and learning styles, teaching objectives and aims are the principles that designed the teaching philosophy. As the consequence from this problem, the National Education Philosophy is not delivered perfectly and the aims of education are not achieved among the children. Sharifah (1999) explained that NPE is developed to “achieve the nation’s vision to prepare children to become knowledgeable, trained and skilled individuals to meet the growing needs of the millennium”. The National Education Philosophy has been the aims and the purpose of education in Malaysia that need to be achieved by the students, and it is the responsibility of the teachers to establish balanced human capitals harmony with the philosophy that had been created by the Ministry of Education.
 Education in Malaysia is on-going efforts towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large (Ministry of Education, 2002). However, due to the overloaded curriculum, the goals and aims could not be achieved. Consequently, it will produce the unbalanced generation and society whom does not have or learn the values from education and as a result, in the end teacher will be blamed, not just by the parents but also by the society. It sees what teacher do in the classroom as a kind of interactive dialogue, which leads to action based on their perceptions of curricular intent, your expectations of parents and guardians and the local community, and your views of your students’ needs (Henderson, 1992)
After all, teachers still need to catch up with the curriculum in the educational world as a professional. Moreover, a teacher must understand that the curriculum work is never done because curriculum and education are always moves and flows with the circulation of time. To avoid the calamitous results of school program built on out-dated information, it is essential for curriculum to be an ongoing activity (Armstrong, D. G, 2005). In order to overcome the effects of the overloaded curriculum problem that arise, it is significant for teachers to cooperate and unite among themselves to lighten the burden that they have to faced and decrease the stressful atmosphere which caused by this problem.  As important as a teacher participation in curriculum development is, he cannot do this work alone (Armstrong, D. G, 2003). Teacher need to act together with others who bring special perspectives to bear. For example, some of these individuals have their own expertise in academic subject areas while others will be able to offer helpful comments about implementation issues that go beyond the individual classroom. Though teacher and their colleagues may feel they are simply implementing a curriculum that may have largely developed by others, in fact, they make many adaptations as you work with it each day (Ben Peretz, 1990).
Furthermore, teachers should be wise in playing with time because as we can see the major obstacle in the overload curriculum problem is the time constraint. To overcome the obstacle, teachers should make a proper plan in planning their lessons and activities in the classroom in order to teach the subject and deliver the curriculum. Curriculum work is directed at developing plans that define an arena of concern that can prompt teachers to make stimulating, interesting, and appropriate adaptations to their own settings (Armstrong, 2003) One of the steps in making a teaching plan is the long term planning. According to Stephens and Crawley (1994), the key to long term planning is to know what the students are expected to have covered during the year. Hence, teacher can make a well-planned scheme of work or yearly plan which include the lesson, activity and also considering possible interruption during in school such as school events, holidays, meetings, examinations and so on. Once teacher have identified the areas of their subject to be assessed, they will need to relate them in a meaningful way to the subject as a whole (Stephens and Crawley, 1994). Finally, as a responsible teacher, we need to adapt ourselves with the curriculum in order to help the children to receive the knowledge and at the same time to develop them to be a balance person spiritually, intellectually, physically and emotionally. According to Street (1999), the classroom, the teacher, the culture of the school and the broader community influence how people construct their definition of education and what it can do for them. A teacher must remember that if the effects of overload curriculum are difficult on them, then it is also tough on the children. Hence, it is a teacher’s role to implement the task wisely in order to overcome the overload curriculum problem and to help the children to develop their knowledge according to the designed curriculum. Education in this sense is the process by which these are transmitted or 'delivered' to students by the most effective methods that can be devised (Blenkin et al, 1992).


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